Improving Four Language Skills Through Emerging Technologies: A Comprehensive Analysis
Ключевые слова:
Emerging technologies, language skills, reading, writing, listening, speaking, language acquisition, AI in educationАннотация
Abstract: Reading, writing, listening, and speaking are the four core language skills that have been modified by the incorporation of developing technology into language learning. These technologies have also transformed the traditional methods of teaching and acquiring these skills. The purpose of this article is to investigate the novel tools and platforms that support language acquisition, with a particular focus on the influence these tools and platforms have on learner engagement, accessibility, and efficiency. Through an examination of the ways in which these technologies target individual abilities while also encouraging holistic development, this article offers educators and students insights that may be put into practice. The potential for progress in language proficiency through the use of technology is unrivaled, despite the fact that technology presents issues such as accessibility and an excessive reliance on digital tools.
Библиографические ссылки
ReadTheory. (n.d.). Adaptive learning for reading comprehension. Retrieved from
Grammarly. (n.d.). Writing enhancement software. Retrieved from
FluentU. (n.d.). Real-world video lessons for language learners. Retrieved from
ELSA Speak. (n.d.). Pronunciation coaching powered by AI. Retrieved from
Google Books. (n.d.). Digital library resources. Retrieved from
Duolingo. (n.d.). Gamified language learning. Retrieved from (n.d.). AI transcription for audio comprehension. Retrieved from
MondlyVR. (n.d.). Immersive language learning through virtual reality. Retrieved from
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