Unforgettable meetings in "Sehrli Diyar".

Unforgettable meetings in "Sehrli Diyar".


  • Sherzod Mustafakulov Nordic International university


AQSH, AQSH ta'lim tizimi, Rowan university, Rovan universiteti, Mahalla USA, Iqtisodiyot, Amerika iqtisodiyoti


At the current stage of economic development, the higher education system faces the task of preparing young people as qualified personnel for professions that are in high demand not only in our country, but also in the international labor market. In this context, it is urgent to implement new strategies of cooperation with European countries, the USA and other developed countries in terms of personnel training.
The International Nordic University team is doing a lot in this regard. In particular, they are organizing trips to the developed countries of the world in order to study international experiences, learn about the activities of universities based on education, research and entrepreneurship, i.e. 4.0 format, exchange mutual experience, and jointly launch promising joint programs.


Mustafakulov, S. (2020). Poverty: Basic Principles of the State at its Reduction. Архив научных исследований, 34.

Rajabov, N., & Mustafakulov, S. I. (2020). Econometric analysis of the impact of the investment climate on the sustainability of socio-economic development of navoi region. Архив научных исследований.

Mustafakulov, S. (2017). Investment attractiveness of regions: Methodic aspects of the definition and classification of impacting factors. European Scientific Journal, 13(10), 433-449.

Mustafakulov, S. (2020). Features of the system approach to management of social and economic development of regions. Архив научных исследований, 1(4).





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