Advertisement discourse
Ключевые слова:
реклама, дискурс, социальная сеть, различные СМИ, общественное мнение, сущностный компонент, рекламодатель.Аннотация
Advertisement discourse is a dynamic and influential form of communication that permeates modern society. This article explores the specific features that distinguish advertisement discourse from other types of discourse, focusing on linguistic strategies, rhetorical devices, and the socio-cultural contexts that shape its effectiveness. By analyzing a variety of advertisements across different media platforms, this research identifies key elements such as persuasive language, visual semiotics, consumer targeting, and the manipulation of desires and aspirations. Furthermore, the study examines how advertisement discourse adapts to technological advancements and cultural trends, reflecting broader societal values and norms. Understanding these specific features not only enhances our comprehension of advertising strategies but also sheds light on the intricate relationship between language, media, and consumer behavior in contemporary society.
Библиографические ссылки
Aiwei, Sh. (2008). Advertising as a Writing Style. Shanxi, China, Xinzhou Teachers University
Djamalutdinova Barno Ramizitdinovna. (2024). Discursive adaptation: Sociopragmatic view of the transformation of simple propositions in communicative space. Iqro indexing, 9 (1), 593-597
Leetaru, K.H. (2001). Language Use in Advertising: An Analysis of Linguistic Features Across Readership Domains
Shaitan, Alexandra PhD Candidate and Zakhidova, Guzal Senior Lecturer (2021) "Writing a Formal Email in English: Exploring university students’ pragmatic competence," Central Asian Journal of Education: Vol. 6 : Iss. 1 , Article 14
Sodikova, S. (2024). Communicative aspect of social advertisement text. Nordic_Press, 2(0002).
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